Good Samaritan Ministry
Good Samaritan Ministry
The Good Samaritan Ministry (GSM) promotes a hands-on mercy ministry alleviating the suffering of families in poverty throughout Clay County. The GSM's Community Food Pantry has been providing assistance to those in Clay County who are hungry and in need since 1986. We reach out to the under-employed, the unemployed, the disabled, veterans, those struck down by illness or injury, as well as the displaced in the community. We are Jesus' hands and feet to thousands of low income families in Clay County who come for help. Our Church pantry services families/singles once a month for food and fresh produce and weekly for bread, pastries/other food items. Last year we distributed over 102,222 pounds of food to our clients! Our partnership with Mercy Support Services bring families in crisis to independence; we also partner with the USDA, Farm Share, Feeding Northeast Florida, Waste Not Want Not, farms and warehouses, and other churches and non-profits in Clay/Duval to provide services. Clients are from all races, creeds, and nationalities. We continue to purchase needed food from Feeding Northeast Florida and appreciate your donations.