Women's Ministry
Women in Faith is a faith-based membership organization of laywomen within the Methodist Church. We are organized for mission and our members are committed to growing as disciples of Jesus Christ in community with other women and building the lives of women, children and youth. Women in Faith has been in mission for more than 140 years. Any woman who wants to belong to and participate in the global mission of the church can become a member of Women in Faith.
Women in Faith is a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.
We provide opportunities and resources to grow spiritually, become more deeply rooted in Christ and put faith into action.
We are organized for growth, with flexible structures leading to effective witness and action.
General Meeting
Once a quarter the Methodist Women convene for a general meeting that allows for all of our circles to come together at once. During this meeting our circles report on their individual activities and go over the decisions made by the Methodist Women's Board on how to allocate moneys raised through fundraisers.
Deborah Circle
Every 4th Tuesday in the Fellowship Hall at 6:30 PM, the circle collects tabs for Ronald McDonald House, fills Christmas stockings for the Salvation Army and Easter Baskets for W.E. Cherry School. We also help other charities at different times during the year
Spring Fashion Show
Each Spring, the Methodist Women host a luncheon and a fashion show that is sponsored by a local retail establishment in order to raise funds for our carefully selected Missions and Ministries.
Mary/Lydia Circle
Every 3rd Wednesday in the Fellowship Hall at 10:30 PM
They sponsor the pickle cart for W.E. Cherry School and also collect tabs year round for Ronald McDonald house.
Chili/Soup Luncheon
In the Fall, the Methodist Women have a luncheon that offers a variety of different soups and Chili. Hot dogs are available for kids.
Elizabeth Circle
3rd Thursday 9:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall
A vibrant group of nearly 40 women with a host of talents and interests who focus our attention on building meaningful relationships with each other, our church, our community and the world. We nurture one another in prayer, word and deed, extending our spirit of Christian love to persons near and far.